Mangangayam (Patling, Philippines)

Arnis of the 1950s (French) & the follow up video of the "deaf" child. This is also the first use of the term "pag kali kali" on video, at least, for me. I remember seeing the original video with very few subtitles, I'm sure it's in the deep bowels of YouTube somewhere. Now, if you grew up in pinas in the 1980s no one used the term "kali," but this one shows they actually did use it at some point. I guess someday no one will remember the 1980s BETAMAX, . . . in HI-FI, or phrases like "be kind, rewind," . . . and video piracy. OK, maybe not video piracy. Thanks, YouTube.

Inroduction to Mangangayam Kali Part Deux. Just kidding, there is no such thing as part deux, except for "Hot Shots Part Deux."